Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship
Photo Release FormCompleting the release form(s)
1. Photos taken may be used for publicity and information purposes such as displays, newsletter, brochures,
annual reports and the website.
2. A separate release form is required for each individual who is recognizable in the photo.
As a contribution to our religion’s publicity efforts, I hereby give my consent to, and authorization for, the use and reproduction by the Canadian Unitarian Council* (CUC) and The Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship (CVUF) of any and all photographs which have been taken of me for publicity and information purposes, including but not limited to, displays, newsletters, brochures, annual reports and the website. This consent shall remain in effect until such time as I provide CUC and/or CVUF with written and dated notice of withdrawal of my consent. All digital images, negatives, positives and prints shall be the property of the CUC and/or CVUF.