Participating in Our Community

Come to several gatherings and have your children attend the children’s program a few times so you can get a sense of the variety of ways we explore the meaning and purpose of life. Come to our monthly potluck. Attend a workshop. Experience the many ways we build community. Sign up to receive our newsletter. As you get to know people and are happy for people to know you too, you can become  ‘Friends’ of the community to be listed on our contact list so people can reach out to you and you to them. When regulars want to commit to a deeper level of involvement they become official ‘Members’.

 You can contact Lorna our Admin Assist or if you’re ready to become a friend or member complete a membership form.

A Friend of the Fellowship is any person who:
● Is sympathetic to its purpose.
● Is willing both to further the purpose and to participate in supporting the Fellowship.
● Submits a completed Friend status form to the Administrative Coordinator.

As a Friend your name will appear on the Fellowship List and you will receive a copy, get our monthly newsletter and our weekly e-­news Communicator, and be a member of a committee. Some people wish to be a Friend for a while before joining as Members, and others recognize this as their spiritual home and are ready to join sooner.

A Member of the Fellowship is someone who:
● Is sympathetic to its purpose.
● Is willing both to further the purpose and to participate in supporting the Fellowship.
● Attends an Introduction to Unitarian session.
● Makes an annual financial contribution of record (meaning your name is associated with the contribution) and submits a completed Membership application form approved by the board.

As a Member you will be listed in the Fellowship List and receive a copy, and also get our monthly newsletter and our weekly e-­news Communicator. It also allows you to apply to serve as the chair of a committee, a member of the Board, and a lay chaplain (who officiates at weddings, memorials and other rites of passage ceremonies).

We welcome you to participate in our Community.