About Us

Do you only gather on Sundays?
Answer:  We have programs throughout each month—-please check out the various activities in our ‘Adult Programs’ and our ‘Family Programs.’ Besides these ongoing programs, we also have workshops and special family events and community events. Those will be highlighted on the calendar page of our website. If you would like to know more about what’s happening, sign up for our monthly newsletter.


What provisions do you have for people with disabilities?
Answer:  For those who are hearing impaired: We have headsets available from the person in the sound booth (at the back of the Sanctuary on the left-hand side).

We also have reading glasses available from a Greeter.

For wheelchair accessibility: The main entrance is on to the foyer and Sanctuary (worship space) lounge, and wheelchair access is by the ramp on the left-hand side of the main doors. There is a ramp that takes you down into the hall, and also to a wheelchair accessible bathroom. At this time, there upper level is not wheelchair accessible. The lower level is accessible off the lower parking lot entrance (on the right-hand end of the building when you face the main entrance). If you would like to attend a service or event and want to know if it is wheelchair accessible, please contact our office, so that we can do our best to make our event accessible to you.

How do I get there?
We share space with Comox United Church, 250 Beach Drive, Comox (corner of Comox Ave., near St. Joseph’s Hospital).
Are you welcoming of all people?
Answer: Unitarians believe in the worth and dignity of every person. We welcome people of all ages, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, culture, and abilities.
What do Unitarians believe?


Unitarian believe a wide variety of things. You will find Unitarian Buddhists, Taoists, Christians, Agnostics, Atheists and Humanists as well as people who do not or cannot classify their beliefs. What we have in common are our eight principles and sources and aspirations from the CUC andfor some: Article II: Love at the Centre from the UUA. These  form the foundation to how we want to be together in community and live in the world.  We believe in creating a spiritual community where we can be accepted whatever we believe and however we want to make a difference in the world.


Unitarians believe that how we live our lives is the best way to show what we value. We have a different way to approach religion: we believe each person has the right to make their own decisions as to what they hold to be true and right—we choose not to have a set of beliefs our members are required to hold, or a particular teacher that we follow as a movement. That means there is more diversity in our midst (those who believe in God/a higher power, those who don’t and focus more on humans’ ability to do what’s right, and those who are still searching for how to name what they believe). People come from various religious backgrounds, and some from none at all.



What keeps people here together as a spiritual community?
Answer:  We affirm common principles. Unitarians also draw on various sources for our inspiration: the world religions,the findings of science, earth-based spiritual teachings, and our own individual experiences that inspire awe and wonder in us. Some draw on all of them, some draw on several more than on others, it is each person’s choice. We come together in a caring, all-ages community to share what we are learning, support one another in the hard times, and celebrate in the good times. What unifies us is our desire to share our experience of life, to celebrate what is important to us, and to engage together in an exploration of life’s meaning.
What is there for our children? Is there childcare and/or Sunday School? What is taught?
Answer: Supporting families is an important part of how we support or community and live our values.  We have a program for all ages–from our nursery to our youth group. We have a part time Director of Spiritual Exploration for Young People, who oversees our programsYou can learn more about our family programs here.
What should I/my family wear to a service?
Answer: You should wear whatever you are most comfortable in. Some people dress casually (jeans are fine), and some people dress up. Your children should wear something they can play in.
What can I expect when I come to a Sunday service?
Answer:  We offer weekly Sunday services from September until the end of June. Sunday services start at 4pm and go to 5-5:15pm.  We aim to provide a range of experiences for people attending Sunday services so we have created a schedule that changes depending on the week. Services come in a variety of formats to nurture our spiritual and intellectual exploration. Go to the ‘Services’ page to learn more about what formats we offer and what services that are coming up.

After the service we have social time in the hall. On the 1st Sunday of each month, we have a potluck meal together. 3rd Sundays we offer some light refreshments. 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays we spend time visiting after the service before we head off to our own evening meals.

5th Sundays – These interactive, fun multigenerational services are held in the hall.


Why are there Christian crosses around?
We share our space with the United Church.  The Church owns the building and graciously have welcomed us into their building so we have a place to gather.  Also, some UU’s identify as Christian.  We aim to be as welcoming and inclusive as we can with the images you see around the facility and that includes respect for our Christian members and our hosts.
Unitarian Universalism is a progressive spiritual movement that was created from the consolidation of two different religions:

Unitarianism and Universalism. In practice, we use the word “Unitarian” as a shortcut for “Unitarian Universalist”. Both religions have long histories and have contributed important theological concepts that remain central to our movement.

With the Unitarians you have a global family. Learn more about the history of our denomination from the UUA, and learn more about other Unitarian congregations in Canada and around the world, as well as notable Unitarians.