The Canvass for 2025 : Supporting Community, Living our Values

To nurture a vibrant, spiritually satisfying experience of fellowship for children,

youth and adults while operating on a sound financial foundation.

We appreciate all the support provided by members and friends, each according to their financial situations.


Dear Members and Friends,

Our Fellowship is experiencing many changes. We are now lay-led. We are exploring how to organize ourselves to create a faith community that
affirms our UU principles. Although we are also an aging community, it is important to emphasize that this fellowship’s values are not aging. We are actively engaged in supporting social justice issues. We welcome diversity of race, gender and religious exploration. We are also striving to engage in respectful, non-polarizing interactions with each other.

There are challenges: such as how to maintain a healthy fellowship despite
our aging, and decrease in numbers, and how to support each other as we enter new stages in our lives. It has been very moving to witness how
members and friends in this fellowship have responded to such challengeswith a willingness to commit their time and energy, as they are able, towards the well-being of this community. We are prioritizing staying connected with each other. CVUF strives to
provide many types of connection. We create Sunday services that give us space and time for reflection and inspiration. We also have music, re-
spectful interactions, small group explorations, social justice activities, and social events.

The Pledge

Each year at this time we are asked to pledge our time, talents and financial resources, so that we can continue to sustain and nurture this com-
munity. The financial aspect of this pledge allows us to plan ahead. It lets the CVUF board know what people intend to invest monetarily, so that
we can create a budget to fund our various fellowship activities. All financial contributions are welcome, with or without a pledge. Each person does what they can. As always, if you can give a little more to offset others’ circumstances, that would be beneficial. All donations to the fellowship are tax deductible.

Please know that all donations of your time and your talents are very important to the well-being of this community. If you are interested in helping out, you can contact any board member about where you would like to contribute your time and skills – committees, service preparation, board involvement, kitchen support, or another way you would like to contribute to the fellowship.

Pledge forms will be available by email, land mail, and on-line through our website: and click on “contribute”.
Please send digital forms to and paper forms to the CVUF Treasurer,Comox United Church,  250 Beach Drive, Comox, V9M 1P9.
If you have any questions, please contact Mike Gladman, our treasurer, at or at 778-992-0112.

Yours truly,
Mike Gladman, CVUF Treasurer


Find out more about the 2025 Pledge Campaign:

If you did not receive a pledge package via personal email or snail mail, contact us at

Your generosity renews CVUF and you can feel positive about putting your values to work.


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