Adult Programs – Lifelong Learning

Unitarians are diverse in our spiritual beliefs and united in our shared values. One of the seven principles affirmed by Unitarians is the need for a “free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” The adult programs offered by the CVUF seek to support members of the fellowship and of the broader community as we explore ways to grow deeper in our understanding of our own spirituality, and of our place in this world.



Truth and Reconciliation and Social Justice Book Club

Accepting new members!


We meet on Zoom once a month. In September we resume and are considering climate and other social justice titles.


Soul Matters Sharing Circle

If you’d like to attend and receive the Zoom link, please contact that session’s facilitator, We hope you’ll join us!

Contact:   – >  Register for the Soul Matters Group

Men’s Group

The men’s group started in 2013.  It meets at members’ homes on the first and third Wednesdays of every month from September through June and informally through the summer. Topics include men’s, community and world issues, but the group’s main purpose is to share and explore our deeper male selves. We focus on feelings, intimacy and learning more about each other and ourselves. The group is open to new members (who identify as Unitarian), but it is not a drop in group.  It requires a commitment to sharing honestly and to keeping the confidentiality of other members’ deeply personal stories. If you wish to become a member, two or more members will take you out for a coffee, share with you the group’s mission statement and ground rules, and generally familiarize you with the group’s culture. Then, if you wish to join, you will be invited to one of the next meetings when there is a topic and format that will be suitable for you and the group to get to know each other.

Contact:    – >   Register for Men’s Group

Chalice Circle

A Chalice Circle meets to discuss topics with a spiritual dimension which are of importance to the group. New members are welcome and do not need to be a member of the Fellowship.

Contact:  – >   Register for Chalice Circle

 Women’s Spirit Circle

 This circle meets twice a month to discuss the deeper levels of our spirit, and how we can feel connected to each other with that unique experience. Together we sing, share, meditate and grow in the changing season’s of our lives.

At this time our circle is full. There is a second women’s group starting in fall 2024. To put your name on an interest list, fill in the Adult Lifelong Learning form under “forms” .